Wednesday 7 July 2010

Stem Cell Harvest

The chance of the stem cell harvest going ahead are now very slim indeed. The procedure to insert the vas-cath has been postponed - it was supposed to be this morning. We will know for definite tomorrow morning that the harvest is cancelled. 
Adam has now had 4 days of GCSF and had his second CD34+ blood count this morning. The magic number he needs to reach to have a chance of a successful harvest is 10. He has gone from 2 yesterday to 5 this morning. The plan is to give GCSF tonight and more hydration (swells the blood vessels in preparation for the procedure to insert the line). His blood will be tested again tomorrow morning and if, as is likely, it remains well below 10 he’ll be discharged. We are anticipating that chemotherapy will recommence instead in the next few days.
This was always the probable outcome. It would seem logical that a failed harvest is a prerequisite to gaining funding for the use of Plerixafor to mobilise Adam’s stem cells. So unless something miraculous happens in the next 24 hours we will be retrying the stem cell harvest after another course of chemotherapy, and once funding approval has been sought and received.

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