Monday 18 July 2011 ...

Well what a weekend that was. Alison, for the first time in two whole years, buggered off and left me to it. Now, I know what you're thinking and you're absolutely right; it was incredibly inconsiderate of her. How could she leave it so long between trips away, leaving me to forget everything she's ever taught me about cooking, cleaning and general household maintenance. Of course if you ask her she'll just blame it all on Adam.

As it was on Friday evening equipped with what few instructions Alison bothered to leave me, and a not inconsiderable amount of trepidation, I drove myself and the children down to the caravan for the weekend. Freeing Alison to spend two nights of wild abandon with friends from (way back during) her university days.

The journey down was uneventful, though unpacking in the rain wasn't very pleasant. It was that fine rain, the sort that tempts you outside in the mistaken belief that it's not too bad before clinging relentlessly to you, leaving you soaked and wondering exactly how did that happen
? Still at least Jake helped move the boxes out of the doorway, instead creating an obstacle course throughout the remainder of the kitchen area. It was quite late by the time we'd got everything inside; the kids were tired and pretty soon they were tucked up in bed leaving me to get organised.

The rest of the weekend was a bit of an eye opener for me if truth be told. Ordinarily Alison does most of the household chores, and most of the work looking after Adam too. I pitch in here and there with his smoothies, or pills, breakfast, supervising meal times, making tea. I had seriously underestimated how time consuming it would be doing everything myself. From the moment I got up on Saturday morning to the moment I got home the only times I sat down were meal times, toilet times, and after the kids had gone to bed. The only other thing I did was take the kids swimming late on Saturday afternoon in order to avoid the mutiny that would have ensued had I not.

We arrived home around 5.30pm on Sunday evening to find Alison refreshed and sporting a new handbag. I was knackered and sporting sore legs. Not content with two nights away Alison rounded the weekend off by taking Jake to watch the new Harry Potter movie, leaving me to do the kids teas, juicing, pills, Adam's sauna, bath and bedtime.

You'll be pleased to know that come Monday normal service has been resumed in our house and Alison is now firmly back at the helm. Apparently she's already looking forward to her next weekend away in 2021.

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